The Axiom of Choice (AC) is a controversial axiom in set theory that states that the product of a family of non-empty sets is itself non-empty.

First off, I do not consider myself an expert on set theory, but after having this kind of conversation with mathematicians and computer scientists I found there are some misconceptions around this axiom and the reasons why it is needed.

For example, as you will see, it is indeed true that the axiom of choice is connected with the existential quantifier, it is not true, however, that we cannot pick an element out of the existential because the logic is classical.

In my mind there are two problems: the first is that

the existential quantifier does not ensure there exists one element with a particular property in the domain of discourse

and the second is that

we would need to create a infinite proof that uses Existential Instantiation for each element of the indexing set

However, in order to fully understand what is going on we need to be more precise. So first let’s begin with what is the axiom of choice.

The axiom of choice (AC)

The original formulation of the AC is the following.

Given a set \(X\) and a family of non-empty sets \(\{A_x\}_{x \in X}\) over \(X\), the infinite product of these sets, namely \(\Pi_{x \in X}. A_{x}\) is non-empty

For the record, the infinite product is defined as follows

\[\Pi_{x \in X}. A_{x} = \{ f : X \to \bigcup_{x \in X} A_{x} \mid f(x) = A_{x} \}\]

However, this statement is a little bit more packed than we would like it to be. An equivalent statement is skolemization.

Skolemization (Sk)

Skolemization is what allows one to turn an existentially quantified formula into a function. Formally, skolemization is the following statement

Given a relation \(R \subseteq X \times Y\), \(\forall x \in X. \exists y \in Y. R(x,y)\) then \(\exists f \in X \to Y. \forall x \in X. R (x, f(x))\)

The AC is equivalent to Skolemization. A full discussion of this fact can be found in here

For proving that Sk \(\Rightarrow\) AC, for a family of sets \(\{A_{x}\}_{x \in X}\), we define a relation \(R(x,y) = y \in A_{x}\). For the other direction we assume a relation \(R \subseteq X \times Y\) and then we construct the family of sets \(\{A_{x}\}_{x \in X}\) such that each \(A_{x} = \{ y \mid y \in Y \text{ and } R(x,y)\}\).

The existential

Set theory is a first-order logic together with a set of axioms (9 of them exactly including the AC) postulating the existence of certain sets. Besides the propositional fragment of first-order logic there is also the predicate fragment formed by universal quantification (\(\forall\)) and existential quantification (\(\exists\)).

The Existential Instantiation rule states that if we know there exists an \(x\) that satisfies the property \(P\) and we can construct a proof from a fresh \(t\) that satisfies that property to a proposition \(R\) then we can obtain \(R\)

\[\frac{\exists x. P \qquad t, P[t/x]\cdots R }{R}\]

with \(t\) free for \(x\) in \(P\).

So here we have to treat \(t\) carefully in that it is a fresh \(t\) that satisfies \(P\), but “we do not know what it is!”.

The reason why I put this sentence in quotes is because this is the explanation that many people would use. However, to me the real reason is that we do not know how many other elements in the universe exist with such a property. There is certainly one, but there may be more.

The problem with producing a choice function

To prove Sk we have to assume \(\forall x \in X. \exists y \in Y. R(x, y)\) and then prove \(\exists f : X \to Y. \forall x \in X. R (x , f (x))\). Though \(f : X \to Y\) really means a relation \(f \subseteq X \times Y\) such that it is a function, i.e. that for all \(x \in X\) there exists only one \(y \in Y\) such that \((x,y) \in f\).

Now first we try to construct this relation \(f\). A first naive attempt is to use the axiom of comprehension as follows

\[f = \{(x, y) \mid x \in X \wedge y \in Y \wedge R(x, y)\}\]

The problem is that \(f\) is clearly not a function since there may be more than one \(y\) per one \(x\) in \(R\). Notice that the above statement is very simlar to the one where we include the existential

\[f = \{(x, y) \mid x \in X \wedge \exists y'. y = y' \wedge R(x, y)\}\]

But this does not change much from before since we know there exists at least one \(y\) per every \(x\) but we do not know how many. Clearly, we can prove that for all \(x \in X\) we have \(R(x, f(x))\), however, we cannot prove that \(f\) is a function. In particular, that for each \(x \in X\) we have a unique \(y \in Y\) we map \(x\) to.

Now the question is, couldn’t we just have picked one \(y\) for each \(x\)?

We could do this if we were able to use Existential Instantiation for each \(x \in X\). If \(X\) was finite then we could certainly do that as we can pick an \(n \in \mathbb{N}\) and assume \(X\) assuming that \(X = \{x_0, x_1, \dots, x_n \}\).
Now we can construct a set of pairs \((x_i, y_i)_{i\in \{1,\dots,n\}}\) such that every \((x_i, y_i) \in R\) by repeatedly using existential instantiation. Once the set is created we can assign \(f\) to it

\[f = \{(x_0,y_0), (x_1,y_1), \dots, (x_n, y_n)\}\]

However, when \(X\) is not finite, we cannot simply write down the set by hand. Instead we have to create a formula and then use set comprehension. However, there is no (open) formula of the form

$(x_0,y_0) \in R \wedge (x_1,y_1) \in R \wedge \dots \wedge (x_n, y_n) \in R \wedge \dots }$$

This is because formulas and proofs in set theory are finite and the one above is an infinite formula which would need an (potentially) infinite number of applications of the Existential Instantiation rule.


Hopefully this untangles some confusion around the axiom of choice.

On the other hand, AoC is derivable in Type Theory simply because we have access to the proof that for every \(x\) there exists a \(y\) such that \(R(x,y)\). But the reason why there exists only one is because inhabitants of the dependent product \(\forall\) are functions already.

See the code below.

choice : ∀ (A B : Set) → ∀ (R : A →  B → Set) → (∀ (x : A) → Σ B (λ y → R x y)) → Σ (A → B) (λ f → ∀ x → R x (f x))
choice A B R r = (λ x →  proj₁ (r x)) , (λ x → proj₂ (r x)) 

If you have any comment about this please feel free to drop me an email or something I would very happy to know more (especially if I said something wrong).
