Yesterday I had yet another interesting conversation with Zhixuan Yang where I pointed out that there is a very nice paper paper stating that

Any Cartesian Closed Category (CCC) with an initial object and a fixed-point operator is trivial.

Here the word trivial means that every object \(A\) in the category is isomorphic to the terminal object \(1\).

To do this proof we make use of the fixed-point operator, which exists at all types.

We know that for all endomaps \(f : A \to A\) in the category there exists a map \(\text{fix}_{f} : 1 \to A\) such that \(f \circ \text{fix}_{f} = \text{fix}_{f}\). Thus, we can use the unique endomap on the initial object, namely the identity map \(id_{0}: 0 \to 0\), to get a map \(\text{fix}_{id_{0}} : 1 \to 0\). But now, because \(0\) is initial (and \(1\) is terminal), we also have a unique map into the terminal object, namely \(! : 0 \to 1\). It is easy to see that \(\text{fix}_{id_{0}}\) and \(1\) are inverses to each other, hence they form an isomorphism \(0 \cong 1\). In particular, \(\text{fix}_{id_{0}} \circ ! : 0 \to 0\) is \(id_{0}\) by initiality and \(! \circ \text{fix}_{id_{0}} : 1 \to 1\) is \(id_{1}\) by finality.

Now we compute as follows. For every object \(A\) in the category \(1 \cong 0 \cong 0 \times A \cong 1 \times A \cong A\) and the proof is concluded.

This result was shown to hold also when in the case when instead of the initial object we postulate a natural numbers object \(\mathbb{N}\).

A natural question to ask now is:

is every model of PCF trivial?

To answer this question we take as a model of PCF the category of Scott domains. This category consists of pointed directed complete partial orders (dCPPO) as objects and continuous functions as arrows (just following Thomas Streicher’s book to avoid any misunderstanding).

Now, we would like to prove that this category is cartesian closed (which we know), has a fixed-point map (which it has) and that it has an initial object. However,

there is no initial object in the category of Scott domains

This is because if this category had an initial element \(0\) it would have at least a bottom element \(\bot_0\). Notice that the subset \(\{\bot_0\}\) is indeed directed and its suprema \(\bigsqcup \{\bot_0\}\) is \(\bot_0\) itself. Now if we take any other dCPPO \(X\), a continuous function \(f : 0 \to X\) that maps \(\bot_{0}\) to any element \(x \in X\) will satisfy the equation

\[f \bigsqcup \{\bot_0\} = \bigsqcup f \{\bot_0\}\]

because, for any \(x \in X\) we choose for \(f(\bot_0)\) (even the bottom element), \(\bigsqcup f \{\bot_0\} = \bigsqcup \{x\} = x\).

The only way this category had an initial element is if the arrows in the category were strict, namely they preserved \(\bot\) elements, but, as we have seen, continuous functions do not necessarily preserve it.

Is this just a coincidence that Scott’s model is not trivial?

Not really. Because if it was trivial it would have broken computational adequacy which is the statement that for every pair or well-typed terms in the language \(\Gamma \vdash t : A\) and \(\Gamma \vdash t' : A\)

if \([\![ t ]\!] = [\![ t' ]\!]\) then \(t \approx t'\)

where \(\approx\) is contextual equivalence of programs.

But if the models was trivial then all the pairs of PCF-denotable terms (pairs of maps into something isomorphic to \(1\)) would be equal (by finality) and therefore operationally equivalent.

What does this all mean for the Haskell programmer?

Well nothing, because Haskell does not have a formal model.

But let’s say we make a big leap and take the fragment of Haskell consisting of “inductive data types” and recursion. Now I can craft a program that resembles what I just said above


data Empty where

data Unit = One ()

y :: (a -> a) -> a
y f = f (y f)

empty :: Empty -> Empty
empty x = x

(===) :: a -> a -> a
x === y

endoEmpty :: Unit -> Empty
endoEmpty = y id === id (y id) -- by Fixed-point property y f = f (y f)

Is this a problem? No, this is not a problem because y id is the infinite computation. In other words, sends the unit element to \(\bot\). But since Haskell functions need not to be strict, I can send the \(\bot\) element in Empty to One (). So this map is not an isomorphism.


This is probably a very convoluted way of saying

There is no initial object (or natural numbers object) in PCF (or other “PCF-like” languages like Haskell)

this is because Empty actually contains the bottom element \(\bot\). For the same reasons, if we now consider System F with a polymorphic fixed-point operator and define the \(0\) object by setting

\[0 = \forall x . x\]

This object has actually an inhabitant: the non-terminating computation. Thus, it is not the initial object.